Saturday, October 2, 2010

Best Earnings Ever at Hubpages!

After Looking at Septembers stats, it looks like all of the hard work from the 60 Day Hubpages Challenge is paying off.

In September I sold 218 Amazon items which is a record for me!!!

But I am most excited that things are starting to click with Google Adsense. For months I have struggled and this month I earned an average of $2 a day. Which may not seem like much to you, but for me this is huge. And it is only going to go up from here.

Here are a list of some of the sites that I found most useful to me in upping my Hubpages earnings.

The Hubpages 60 Day Challenge by sunforged
Improving Your HubPages Earnings by relache
Hubs on Google Adsense ads, Google Analytics, Google Search, Google Blog, Google Translator.Summary of hubs for 60dc2 by viking305

Thank you SunForged and the fellow Challengers! 


  1. Good to hear, Wendy! :) Congrats and to continued success.

  2. Thank you Paula. I have learned so much from watching you over the last 2 years. You are an inspiration!

  3. Wow, 218! items, Congratulations! ..and to think its not even quite the Christmas buying rush yet!

  4. Thanks Josh! I'm really stoked. Thanks for all of your mentoring. I really appreciate it.

  5. That sounds great, Wendy. So far I haven't made it to Hubpages, but looks like should do just that. Thanks for sharing this information.
